Formed in 1996, M&M Dental Associates has completed 25 years serving the Indian Dental Practices. Formed by the expertise of Dr Raj Malik MS Prosthodontics Minnesota USA , Guided by our director -Prem Malik (Ex- COO Bombay Dyeing and Mafatlal ) & Managed by Director Maala Malik ( MS Pharmacy , MBA ) , a competent team , we represent the best in class world-wide giants , Philips Oral healthcare and Pulpdent USA, Cosmedent USA in India, with state of the art products and services for the Indian Dentist .
While we have serviced many specialities endodontics , prosthodontics , pedodontics , periodontics , we now have focused our energies in the space of Proactive care , protective dentistry , preventive dentistry and building a Oral wellness profit centre in clinics today so that practices can be primary healthcare providers in the communities they operate in . This helps the patients build a comfortable, trusting relationship & maintain long-term records with clinics and their doctors long before problems occur and help maintain their optimal oral health. With increasing evidence that oral health is linked to overall health, we wish to refocus on how clinics instead of OTC market can play a major role in boosting oral wellbeing of their patients and in their communities.
Our focus is in areas of professional hygiene, Whitening, Enamel Remineralisation varnish, Protective sealants, Bioactive restoratives. Our endeavour is to help clinicians keep the tooth alive and restore not just the tooth but the natural activity in the oral biosphere to boost oral wellbeing.
· Lets all witness a new era that does not allow for treating the oral cavity like a morgue.
· Let’s give the tooth what it has lost and what nature would have provided it. Let’s do it early and in time.
· Let’s step back and restore the ability of the oral cavity to heal, be active and be well and assist the body to be well.
-->We are committed to stand behind you all the way to set up a ‘proactive care for oral wellbeing’ profit centre in your practice.
-->We are a company by a Dentist for a Dentist.
-->We are backed by management excellence, experience and the best companies in the world in this field.